8 Tips To Beat the Heat from a Local Guy
Beat the Heat
Everyone knows how difficult and miserable the heat of summer can make things. From getting the yard work done, doing routine maintenance around the house, gardening, playing sports and for those that work out in the heat all day, the summer temperatures make life much different.
As a life-long Vegas resident, construction guy and former roofer I know a few tricks to help beat the heat:
- Acclimate yourself to the heat. Each year you need to do this and once your body gets use to it, life becomes much more bearable. It is a process and once you become more accustomed to the heat you can then increase your level of physical activity. A person can do the heavy and hardest work early in the morning but as the day wears on and the temperature rises, it becomes a matter of pacing yourself to get through the day. Take the time to acclimate yourself to the heat and then buildup your physical activity level accordingly.
- Plan ahead and do the most difficult physical activities in the early morning hours. Plan your day so the shady and less strenuous work is done when the temperatures are high.
- Dress for the desert by wearing wide-brimmed hats, loose fitting long sleeve shirts and long pants. By protecting your skin from direct sunlight you insulate your body from the sun and the loose and light clothing, once wet with sweat, provides a cooling effect. Use water to help you stay cool. Spray your hat and your shirt with the hose every hour or when you feel the strain from the heat to save your body from sweating. Let the evaporative cooling nature of the breeze keep you cool. If a hose is not the answer then try filling a spray bottle with water and putting it in the refrigerator for use later. Some folks now wear “cool vests” that are pre-soaked and worn in the heat of the day to provide the same effect. They really do work as long as there is a breeze.
- Don’t eat big meals in the heat. A big meal is a real downer when it is time to get back out in the hot weather and it makes you feel lousy.
- Small things add up. Keep long hair up, wear less makeup, take more breaks in the shade, cool off when you can, hydrate-hydrate-hydrate and listen to your body.
- Put a grapefruit or other citrus in your drinking water. I found that doing this made a difference. I don’t know of any scientific evident behind it but it really helped. Maybe, it is the citrus just made the Lake Mead water taste better. Years ago, as a Roofer, a typical summer day in Las Vegas required that I consume 3 gallons on water each day. My body turned into a sweating machine complete with salt rings on my clothing.
- Forget the caffeine or alcohol until after you finished with your day in the sun.
- Be smart and protect yourself from UV and UB rays by using sunscreen. Today, as an older guy, I am on a first name basis with my Dermatologist. Not good. Take care of yourself today and you will glad you did later in life.